Illness & Disease Pages

Although there is no way to predict the future to see how tall your children will become, the following height calculators can give you some idea.

How Tall Will You Be?

Measuring Children's HeightThe height that a child grows to as an adult is influenced by a number of factors, such as genetics (their parents height), sex (are they male or female), and overall health and nutrition. It is believed that genetics accounts for 70% of the adult height, while 30% comes from environmental factors, such as health, nutrition and exercise.

Using Bone Age

An estimate of a child's height as an adult can be made by measuring the child's bone age (using x-ray) and chronological age. This is the method used by pediatricians and endocrinologists. This method uses the "Radiographic Atlas of Skeletal Development of the Hand and Wrist" written by Greulich and Pyle.

Using Parents Height

A less scientific method (which can be out by as much as five inches) is to estimate adult height by adding the parents' heights together, then dividing this by two, then adding three inches for a boy or subtracting three for a girl. A metric version of this calculation that was found has you adding or subtracting 6.4cm (which is a little less than 3 inches).

Using Height at Age 2

Another quick estimate of your child's height when they reached adulthood is to take their height at age 2 and double it.

Other methods


If you are concerned about your child's height or think that your child may be growing too fast or too slowly, consult your pediatrician.