Child Development: Baby Names

Baby Names from Place Names

Topend Kids > Development > Baby Names > Place Names

Naming a child after the name of a place, town, city, state or country is a common strategy. In some cases, the name comes from the place that the baby was conceived or where it was born.

Examples of place names that are commonly used for naming children are: Sienna / Siena (Siena is a city in Tuscany), London, Paris, Dallas, India. Some place names have been named originally after a person, so it seems like there are actually more examples of these (e.g. Victoria, a state in Australia named after Queen Victoria).

Madison Avenue Example

One of the more interesting beginnings of a name is the evolution of Madison. The name was originally a quite uncommon name for a male in the early 1900s. In the 1980s, it was made up for a character in a movie, and it has not looked back since. When actress Darryl Hannah, playing the part of a mermaid, came out of the water in the movie Splash, the first thing she saw was the street sign for Madison Avenue, so this is what she called herself. The name has taken off since in popularity.

Celebrity Examples

Celebrities have been known to use this method for naming their children.

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